Committee Update

Another couple of challenging months as we attempt to get on top of residual maintenance issues around the estate. There has been a significant improvement in compliance with keeping Rubbish Bins out of site and I thank everyone for their assistance. It certainly makes the Estate look a lot more presentable.

At our meeting last week, we discussed the ongoing issue of people and builders dumping things on vacant lots. Over the past couple of years, the Committee has had to arrange for removal of rubbish from lots after complaints by Owners that it was not theirs. Where we have been unable to identify where the rubbish has come from, we have acted to remove it. We resolved on Tuesday to advise all vacant lot owners to let us know if there is rubbish on their lot which is not theirs. The Committee will clear it up once and then no further removal will be done by the Owners Corporation. Individual lot Owners have been given permission to erect professional builders temporary fencing at the front of their lots to restrict access and further dumping. All owners are reminded that they should keep all their rubbish on their own lot and not place any items on the adjoining vacant lots without the permission of the Owner.

It is great to see the progress in Stage 7a, Stage 11 and the Sebel. The Resort is starting to impose itself on the lake frontage and will be an Iconic addition to Silverwoods Estate and Lake Mulwala. We are told that sales of blocks and of the Apartments in The Sebel are strong and that is good for everyone. We all know that property in the Cities is going through a tough time, but so far not having a major impact on our local market. We have also seen a number of sales within the estate over the past few months as priorities and lives change and that is also a good sign.

The completion of the Boardwalks and the path along the lack is also a major milestone for the Estate and really finishes off that area. The Boardwalks will allow for locals to more their crafts during the day as they come and go which is a great result for our owners and residents who spend time on the water.

The Owners Corporation has been advised by Council that a Shade Sail will be erected over the playground in Freddie Court shortly. This was subject to a grant application by the Committee and fully funded by Moira Shire Council with a cost of approximately $22000-. A rubbish bin has been installed near the playground and will be collected twice a week by Council. They have also installed Doggy Poo Bag dispenser at the entry from Botts Road and appropriate signage. In addition, there will be some exercise stations installed in the Park on Robinson Way in the vacinity of Park Lane, also fully funded by Moira Shire.

The Golf Course in in amazing condition and we congratulate Turnpoint and McCully Golf for all the hard work they do. The Golf Course is the centerpiece of our Estate and it is pleasing to hear so many positive comments from visitors about how good the course is.

A reminder that the Annual General Meeting will be held at Club Mulwala on Thursday 5th September, commencing at 6.00pm. The Agenda and associated information will be distributed prior, in accordance with the Owners Corporation Act. The Committee work hard to try to maintain the standards and livability of the Estate and we welcome any new members who would like to nominate for the Committee. Nomination Forms will be included with the Agenda.