The Grounds Committee consists of volunteer residents with a passion for gardens, and the head groundsman, Mark Haley. They meet regularly to set up plans for the parks and gardens to achieve and maintain resort standards and provide areas we can all relax in and enjoy.
If you have a passion for gardening and would like to have some input into our parks, you might like to join this committee.
Our hard working Parks Maintenance team is pictured here. From left to right we have Josh, Mark and Jack. They are currently preparing garden beds for spring plantings and a lot of irrigation repairs. They are putting in long hours, but we all are very happy with the results.
The Committee are currently undertaking a review of the Parks and Gardens with a view to creating a masterplan for all areas, including preferred furniture and equipment in the parks including tables and chairs, playground equipment and exercise equipment. If anyone has any ideas on what they might like in the parks, please speak to Wayne Limbrick, Andrew Beggs, Ray Knights or send your ideas to Glenda at Ross Hunt Real Estate. Once the Masterplan has been completed, we will be submitting it to Moira Shire Council for approval and requesting funding of a staged program to complete the works.